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Avoid These Common Accounting Mistakes

1 Verified Reviews - 5 of 5.0

AVOID THESE COMMON ACCOUNTING MISTAKES by Chris Burand Some agents make a conscious decision to pay more in taxes in order to bu...

BANKS AND P/C AGENCIES REALITY CHECK PART II: MEET THE PEOPLE CHALLENGE by Chris Burand Do bank stockholders benefit from acquisitions of P/C agencies? The answer? Yes, if t...

BANKS AND P/C AGENCIES REALITY CHECK PART III: IMPLEMENT THE PLAN by Chris Burand Do bank stockholders benefit from acquisitions of P/C agencies? The answer? Yes, if there...

BANKS AND P/C AGENCIES REALITY CHECK PART IV: BUYER, BEWARE! by Chris Burand Do bank stockholders benefit from acquisitions of P/C agencies? The answer? Yes, if there...

Banks: If We Can't Beat 'Em, Should We Join 'Em?

2 Verified Reviews - 5 of 5.0

BANKS: IF WE CAN'T BEAT 'EM, SHOULD WE JOIN 'EM? by Patty Vaughn The Supreme Court decision, Barnett Bank v. Florida Insurance Commissioner, has created a plethora of new partnerships. T...

Better Contingencies Equal More Profits

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BETTER CONTINGENCIES EQUAL MORE PROFITS by Chris Burand Many insurance companies try to boost profits by reducing contingency payments - not a smart move. A go...

Big Changes, Big Dollars

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BIG CHANGES, BIG DOLLARS by Brian Burke This is about our industry, IPOs, financial danger, and some possible implications for our agency clients. Let's erase the board for a mo...

Can Your Agency Become Partners With A Bank?

3 Verified Reviews - 5 of 5.0

CAN YOUR AGENCY BECOME PARTNERS WITH A BANK? by Roger Thomas Are you an agent who wants to sell to, or partner with, a bank? If so, you're probably searching for a banker who is in...

Captives And The Middle Market

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A soft insurance market is often used as an excuse for ignoring certain issues. Why bother figuring out whether to retain risk or transfer it to...

Communication Builds Trust

1 Verified Reviews - 5 of 5.0

COMMUNICATION BUILDS TRUST by Bill Cates Why we all need honest communication in our business and personal lives. In his book Just Be Honest, Steven Gaffney believes that withhold...

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