3 Verified Reviews - 4 of 5.0
A BOY NAMED SUE: A GUIDE TO PRODUCER TRAINING by Chris Burand A successful producer training program creates a powerful competitive advantage. Many readers are probably familia...
1 Verified Reviews - 5 of 5.0
HOMEOWNERS QUESTIONNAIRE by Jack Fries Have your producers use this questionnaire from Jack Fries to garner needed information from Homeowners prospects: HOMEOWNERS I...
1 Verified Reviews - 4 of 5.0
LETS TALK ABOUT AGENCY PROCEDURES AGAIN by Grace Bauer We all have similar agency management concerns. Grace Bauer reminds you why we develop procedures and why we need to keep ...
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MAKING MONEY by Al Diamond We're all concerned with it. Some of us are consumed with it. Most of us are doing it (not as difficult in this market as it was in the soft market). Many of ...
2 Verified Reviews - 3.5 of 5.0
$200,000 GROSS COMMISSION PER PRODUCER: DREAM OR REALITY? by Chris Burand Whats your agencys break-even point for producers? Does $200,000 sound high? Read this document b...
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(NON-WEB) SITE PLANNING: OFFICE LAYOUT by Virginia Bates 'Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.' -- Will Rogers Many agency princi...
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lsquo;DEDICATED AGENCY MANAGEMENT by Chris Burand Once your agency reaches a certain size, dedicated agency management is essential for continued success. Agencies ar...
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How to earn the confidence and commitment of your employees, customers, and stakeholders in today’s changing world.
We’ve all heard this joke: A local “hayseed” tries giving directions to a tourist, becomes frustrated, and ends the inquiry by saying simply, “You can’t get there from here.” The humor of this scene lies in its absurdity.
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10 BASIC PLANNING INITIATIVES THAT WILL ADD TO YOUR BOTTOM LINE by Ken Buehler The need for planning has never been greater. While planning focuses on profit...
1 Verified Reviews - 5 of 5.0
10 STEPS TO OVERCOME COMPETITION by Jack Burke Remember the first time you experienced a Chinese box set? As each box opened to reveal a smaller box, you wondered with childlike curiosi...