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A Boy Named Sue: A Guide To Producer Training

3 Verified Reviews - 4 of 5.0

A BOY NAMED SUE: A GUIDE TO PRODUCER TRAINING by Chris Burand A successful producer training program creates a powerful competitive advantage. Many readers are probably familia...

Auto Questionnaire

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AUTO QUESTIONNAIRE by Jack Fries Have your producers use this questionnaire from Jack Fries to garner needed information from Auto prospects: AUTO INSURANCE QUESTIONN...

Homeowners Questionnaire

1 Verified Reviews - 5 of 5.0

HOMEOWNERS QUESTIONNAIRE by Jack Fries Have your producers use this questionnaire from Jack Fries to garner needed information from Homeowners prospects: HOMEOWNERS I...

Making Money

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MAKING MONEY by Al Diamond We're all concerned with it. Some of us are consumed with it. Most of us are doing it (not as difficult in this market as it was in the soft market). Many of ...

$200,000 GROSS COMMISSION PER PRODUCER: DREAM OR REALITY? by Chris Burand Whats your agencys break-even point for producers? Does $200,000 sound high? Read this document b...

10 Basic Planning Initiatives That Will Add To Your Bottom Line

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10 BASIC PLANNING INITIATIVES THAT WILL ADD TO YOUR BOTTOM LINE by Ken Buehler The need for planning has never been greater. While planning focuses on profit...

10 Commandments Producers Need To Avoid E&O Claims

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10 COMMANDMENTS PRODUCERS NEED TO AVOID E&O CLAIMS 1. Have complete knowledge of the prospective client. 2. Understand the insurance coverage yourself. 3. Keep complete document...

Selling insurance isn't easy. Agency principals, producers, and staff can still reap rewards, but their ranks are thinning under pressure from lower premiums, reduced commissions, and greater demands from carriers and clients. Add to this the ever-increasing expense of technology.
The formula for a great insurance career used to be simple: 'Work hard for 20 years building the book of business, and the book will take care of you for the 20 years after that.' Not anymore.

10 Tips For Renewal Retention

1 Verified Reviews - 5 of 5.0

10 TIPS FOR RENEWAL RETENTION by Ken Buehler Much has been said and written about the costs of acquiring new business. These costs are so high that it's essential to retain t...

10 Tips For Renewal Retention

1 Verified Reviews - 5 of 5.0

10 TIPS FOR RENEWAL RETENTION by Ken Buehler Follow these guidelines and watch your retention rate (and bottom line) grow. Much has been said and written about the costs ...

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