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Great Point Insurance Services, Inc.

GREAT POINT INSURANCE Great Point Insurance is the nation’s leading Commercial Umbrella Underwriting Facility. In partnership with a select group of the world’s most recognizable insurance carriers, our product line includes exclusive Purchasing Group Programs, MGA / MGU Programs and traditional Brokerage. Our products are distributed through a national network of insurance professionals throughout all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Headquartered in Greenwich, Connecticut we maintain strategic branch offices throughout the country. UMBRELLAPRO UmbrellaPro is the online source for hyper - competitive commercial umbrella coverage. Our proprietary eCommerce platform was designed by insurance professionals to provide 24/7/365 access to a completely self directed online insurance transaction. In as little as 7 minutes Users can submit, quote, bind and receive a policy from select “A” rated insurance company partners. Coverage is offered on an admitted basis in all 50 states with multiple limit options for over 600 eligible SIC codes. UmbrellaPro is a wholly owned subsidiary of Great Point Insurance.

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Posts tagged with Shopping Centers Commercial Umbrella Insurance - Shopping Centers Commercial Umbrella Insurance

Small Business Umbrella - $5M for $850 – Instant Binder

Author RyanONeill , 11/27/2017
We are the nation’s leading Umbrella Program Administrator and have 6 Exclusive Programs – Restaurant/Service, Construction Trades, Manufacturing, Wholesale Distributor, Retail, and Real Estate.

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