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Insurance Professionals Blog

How CompleteMarkets and other digital media can best be leveraged by Insurance Professionals.

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Posts tagged with content - content

How to find value with Social Media Marketing?

Author ErinCarlson , 11/7/2018
A few weeks ago I talked a lot about websites and search engine marketing. Discussing the importance of proper internet presence and being sure to pay attention to how things have evolved over the years. While getting the content together is important, that’s not the whole picture. There are several facets to be sure to capture your audience, keep them engaged, and pushing for more prospect opportunities. 

Understanding Modern Agency Marketing

Author ErinCarlson , 10/24/2018
Over the last 5 years agency marketing has evolved to uncover a lot of great ideas, and even more practices that should be avoided. We've learned a lot here at CompleteMarkets about how to obtain the best results, when trying to maximize your exposures. Back in 2014 our President and CEO, Adrian Holloway, put together a piece on the "5 Lessons - The Modern fundamentals of Insurance Agency Marketing." It outlined some of the best practices to help expose your agency to new prospects in the era of high technology. 

Time is Money

Author AdrianHolloway , 11/19/2014

Time is MoneyIf you consider yourself a professional then time is precious to you. It's a constant, every day battle to maximize your time.

If you saved 6 minutes a day, you could be saving 30 minutes a week or 26 hours a year! At the very minimum, its 1.25% of your annual earnings. So, if you are earning $50k a year, then 26 hours would be about $625 in savings or earnings, and that's the bare minimum.

Subscribers to our Premium Search tool save an average of 6 minutes a day (markets, jobs, company searches, content and library book marks and searches).

So, do you want to make some money? Start with saving some time!

Keep your agency RELEVANT to your clients & prospects

Author PhillipFloresCM , 11/12/2014

At CompleteMarkets we talk to a lot of insurance agents and financial advisors, that’s what we do. In those daily conversations we are consistently hearing “We have trouble staying relevant with our content for consumers.”


Well, I have one word—Online Newsletters.


There are numerous online newsletter providers out there and by all means, look at your options, but I’ll let you in on a little secrete ours are the best in the industry. J


Keeping your agency relevant with though provoking content? Check.

Consumers make decisions based on what you offer online. They don’t care about print ads or direct mailers any more, that’s all fire starter or immediate recycling. The consumers are going to websites to see what you have to offer. Is there educational content on your site? Are you putting real life situations in front of them?


Information is power, are you giving your clients and prospects power?


Don’t let me bore you, check out this link for more information:


If you have any questions, let me know I’m happy to help.

What's New at CompleteMarkets.

Author JasonJohnson , 10/10/2013
CompleteMarkets has done it again.  They have upgraded and added new features revolutionizing the insurance marketing industry.  In addition to the products they currently offer, CompleteMarkets has now added Agent Newsletters, customized search dashboards, and content library upgrades.  Over the next few weeks the insurance professionals blog will highlight each of these amazing products.  

Here is a quick overview of what's new:

Agent Newsletters - 

Our Insurance Newsletters offer the subscriber the following:

    1. Fresh content monthly, written by experts communicating your expertise and credibility. We have been writing client insurance newsletters for over 30 years.
    2. Wide ranging topics deliver precision based expertise to your clients in the areas that they are interested in. Pick from over 8 Insurance Newsletter Titles.
    3. Customize your newsletters in ways no one else will let you do so, including change colors, contact information, images, backgrounds and even replace articles with new articles that suit your audience better.
    4. Co-brand your newsletters exactly the way you like. Upload logos, profile images, rename newsletter titles, create your very own unique newsletter.
    5. Your newsletters will generate revenue for your business through the snazzy Get an Insurance Quote function on each newsletter.
    6. As prospects connect with you through your newsletters, you will be acquiring new clients without lifting a finger.
    7. You can post them on your website, your blog, social media pages, your email signature and generally any marketing and sales material. And, they are automatically updated for you every month.
    8. Distribute your brand and expertise through social media. You decide what day of the month that you would like your newsletters to be distributed to your Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter pages.
    9. When people discuss your newsletter article posts on your social media, you tap into the most powerful engagement medium -referrals, viral marketing and inferred credibility through social media. Friends of your clients and prospects review your content, your brand and your brand amplification goes through the roof, netting you more revenue in the process.
    10. Track everything, top clicks, top referrers, popular articles and more.
Premium Content Articles -

CompleteMarkets has over 1,200 articles in the IMMS Library and new articles are being added daily.  Agents can search by category, author, or other search parameters using the Find It feature.  New subscription based content has recently been added for our members who want to receive insurance related series of articles. This is a great new way to stay connected and informed on trending insurance changes.  

Finally, CompleteMarkets will soon provided exclusive content that agents may purchase.  Included in this package will be forms, templates, and other cost and time saving articles that have been developed to help the agent maximize their efficiency.

Search Dashboard -

Your Search Dashboard saves all of your searches (unlimited) and you can name each search to reference it in the future.

For example - If you have multiple clients that are in the Hotel business? No problem, name your searches 'Hotel - General Liability - Client A', 'Hotel - General Liability - Client B' - complete that search again with one click! Create as many as you like and use the filter function to sort, organize and re-use your saved searches quickly.

CompleteMarkets is leading the way in the insurance industry for marketing services.  Our products are light years ahead of our competition and we are constantly improving and developing new products.  You are encouraged to check out the competition and you will agree.  CompleteMarkets is simply the best.  As an insurance agent most of our services are free and registration takes only minutes to complete.

To ensure you are in the loop on all CompleteMarkets news and updates Sign in or Register today.

Creating Value –The Art of Differentiating.

Author JasonJohnson , 9/23/2013
All bananas taste the same. But when the banana has that little blue sticker on it consumers are immediately attracted to it. Why? Differentiating the way you brand your agency and market your particular skills can give you the edge you need in today’s competitive insurance environment.

Most agents find themselves in one of two categories.  Either you work with Property and Casualty lines of business or you are a Life and Health agent.  Occasionally there is some crossover but for the most part agents usually work within their respective specialties.  Excluding captive agencies, the number of independent P&C agencies across the United States is well over 38,000.  With each agency relying on its agents to bring in new business it makes individuality or specialization a necessity to stand out from the crowd.  Consumers are relying on internet searches, social media, and other internet resources to find agents.  Using CompleteMarkets to create that unique image or brand is a great way to increase your exposure to new clients.  Our network of agents and wholesalers is the leading website in our industry.  CompleteMarkets connects more agents with specialty insurance programs than any other website in existence.  How does this help the average agent?  It’s as easy as ABC.

  1. CompleteMarkets Attracts more traffic to its site due to its state of the art SEO through search engines such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo.  This benefits the agents who subscribe to CompleteMarkets when you contribute to content that is searchable by tags associated with the article.

  2. When you subscribe to Blogs and share them on your website or to your social media sites you get another way to connect with potential clients by increasing your SEO for a particular search term.  This is also a good way to recycle content so that your website stays fresh with new information.  By having good content and being plugged into strong content providers like CompleteMarkets you stand out to prospective clients.

  3. Communication with other agents within your industry and your clients to let people know what you know.  Self-promotion is a very important aspect of marketing.  With CompleteMarkets you can contribute to our content and become branded within a specific niche in your industry.  We have several contributors that distribute information to thousands of readers each week.  

With a minimal amount of effort on your part you can start to differentiate yourself from your peers and attract more clients.  It is not as hard as you think.  Take a few minutes from your day and tour the CompleteMarkets website.  If you need help there is a customer service agent there ready to offer assistance.  Just click the Online Chat button at the top of every page and you will be connected.

To ensure you are in the loop on all CompleteMarkets news and updates subscribe to our blog today.

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