Abstractors (Title/Escrow Agents) Professional Liability Insurance

This coverage insures against claims that arise from alleged negligent acts, errors or omissions in researching the validity of real estate property titles and any restrictions on them. Coverage applies to claims that arise due to an abstractor providing either faulty or incomplete information about the title. It is usually written subject to a minimum deductible per claim and is often combined with Title or Escrow Agents Errors and Omissions coverage.
Fox Point Programs
Abstractors, Examiners and Searchers

Most markets categorize this group as Title Agents - and often charge more for liability exposures that you don’t face.  With our in-house underwriting capabilities, we offer one of the most competitively priced and comprehensive Abstractor...
Alexander J. Wayne & Associates, Inc.
Errors & Omissions

A professional providing a service to others can be sued for an actual or alleged error or omission!  Although Errors & Omissions claims are not very often, they can be very severe to the business and/or professional providing the service....
J.R. Olsen Bonds & Insurance Brokers, Inc.
Errors & Omissions Insurance

Insurance Agents & Brokers Mortgage Bankers / Brokers Escrow Companies Title Companies and Agents Tax Deferred Exchange Attorneys Travel Agents Medical Malpractice Architects & Engineers For ...
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Further Reading 
A project architect or engineer typically carries responsibility for the design of a house, high rise or other structure. However, contractors now also play a role in project design and may be liable if something goes wrong. Consider the benefits of ...
What distinguishes products, completed operations and professional liability? A product is a good sold to consumers. Think about "things" when you think about products. Products liability covers the business which manufactures the product agains...
As a construction manager, you face the threat of litigation every day. "Just because you think you're doing a good job, and even if you are, that's no guarantee you won't be sued," warns a senior officer of a major insurance company. These suits c...
When you work as a general contractor, you may build homes from the ground up, perform repairs on a variety of buildings or renovate homes, buildings or offices. Your job fulfills you and improves the lives of others, but you do face risks. Protect y...
What distinguishes products, completed operations and professional liability? A product is a good sold to consumers. Think about "things" when you think about products. Products liability covers the business which manufactures the product agai...