Keeping your work site or job trailer warm during cold winter weather can be challenging. You may turn on a few space heaters since they’re affordable and portable heat sources. Space heaters can be hazardous, though, so use these precautions to...
Cooler temperatures have arrived, and it's time to turn on your heater. Be safe and protect your family and home with these home heater safety tips
Use Only Approved Heating Sources
Certain heating sources should never be used to keep your fami...
Whether your employees are outdoors -- on the job or at play this summer -- or working indoors in a hot environment, they need to know how to cope with hot and humid conditions that can pose serious dangers to their health that the heat brings.
Heat illness sickens thousands of workers every year, and severe cases can be fatal. To help keep outdoor workers cool, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration developed a free app to calculate worksite heat index and risk levels, and educa...
When it comes to outdoor workers, "water, rest and shade" can literally make the difference between life and death. Every year, thousands of workers nationwide suffer from serious heat-related illnesses. If not addressed quickly, heat exhaustion can ...