Auto insurance: every driver needs it! You don't have to spend a fortune, though. Instead, try 10 ways to save money on your auto insurance policy while receiving the best protection available.
1. Drive a basic vehicle. Luxury, racing or...
There will always be a risk that something will go awry during construction projects. When something does go wrong, the result is usually costly time delays and mild to devastating additional material, labor, and damage costs.
As far as risk goes,...
If your Auto insurance company sees you as a deadbeat or high-risk or driver, it might cancel or non-renew your policy.
Because insurers take cancellation seriously they won't eliminate coverage for a traffic ticket or two. What's more, state regu...
There will always be a risk that something will go awry during construction projects. When something does go wrong, the result is usually costly time delays and mild to devastating additional material, labor, and damage costs.
As far as risk goes,...
Most states demand that businesses, regardless of size, take every reasonable action to keep their premises safe for employees and visitors. The definition of visitors is fairly loose. Basically, it is anyone not employed by the business and cover...