Assisted Living (Nursing Home) Facilities Insurance

Assisted living facilities serve elderly and ill but still ambulatory people who can take care of themselves with limited assistance. The need for more of these facilities is increasing as the nation's population ages. Residents usually do not require daily medical care but may need assistance in taking their medications, personal cleanliness and proper nutrition. Policies cover a wide range of homes, including those that cater to people in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease and cover both professional and general liability exposures.
Amwins Underwriting
Long-Term Care Facilities

Long-Term Care Facilities Insurance Program APU's Long-Term Care Facilities insurance program is a comprehensive liability program available nationally in exclusive partnership with an "A-" XI rated insurance carrier.  Target Accounts Include:...
USG Insurance Services, Inc.
Medical/Health Industries Insurance

USG Insurance Services, Inc. is a national wholesaler and managing general agent (MGA) with 18 offices across the country and the ability to write in all 50 states. Built from the ground up by some of the top executives in insurance, USG continues to...
Veracity Insurance Solutions, LLC
Allied Health Insurance

Veracity’s Allied Health & Medical coverage offers insurance products for miscellaneous health, medical, and social service risks.  Through our carrier relationships we can provide general and professional liability coverages to your ha...
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Further Reading 
This month the United States Department of Labor reported that from 2011 to 2014 it recovered more than $6.8 million in overtime and unpaid minimum wages for more than 1300 employees in Bay Area nursing homes and residential care facilities.  ...
Ventilation has always been a major concern for businesses, and companies in China still struggle with even basic dust control. A workplace is made less safe on a daily basis as clutter builds up, safety techniques are ignored and employees start eyi...
Most people dread the idea of moving a loved one into a nursing home. However, what if you're faced with a parent that's not eating and losing weight, not taking a shower for weeks at a time, or not taking their medications? In some cases, a nursi...
If you keep up with pop-science at all, then you've probably encountered the whole "string theory" hypothesis, or the notion that we're living in a hologram or inside the database of a giant computer, like in The Matrix. It's one of those theories th...
A living trust has long been an important part of estate planning. Done correctly, a living trust can help protect your heirs from creditors and probate and supply them with any funding you'd like them to have. However, a liv...