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Midlands Management Corp

Midlands is a managing general agent with a specialty in excess workers' compensation program administration and fee-based specialty TPA services. Clients benefit from Midlands' extensive carrier relationships and expertise as one of the top excess workers' compensation providers in the United States. For over two decades, Midlands' growth and vision combined with hard works and integrity have given them a rich and vital heritage. For more information about our products & services, please see our products & services page.

 Don’t Miss: Top 5 Markets 

Mandee Wilson Mandee Wilson , 9/25/2017
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When you choose Midlands Commercial Property, you choose insurance with customizable coverage options, claims reliability and broad coverage. You choose competitive rates for your clients and competitive commissions for you. With the assistance of a team of underwriters with decades of combined experience we make writing commercial property easy.
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For the tradesmen & women, this general liability program is specifically designed for the artisans whom have devoted their lives to perfecting their craft. Midlands entertains small to medium sized contractors in the commercial and residential space. Start-up operations and part-time businesses are eligible as well as often difficult classes. Broad coverage, competitive rates and a high-level of service define this general liability policy.
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Seize your piece of this more than $30 billion dollar pie today. This commercial auto policy is designed for small to medium-sized businesses. From the long-established to start-ups, we have the minimum state-mandated coverage for your price-conscious clients as well as optional coverage endorsements for custom-tailored policies.
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Employers, regardless of size and nature of business, are in danger of claims from purported wrongful termination, harassment, discrimination, retaliation, the failure to employ or promote employees, etc. This Employment Practices Liability policy is for the retail, manufacturing, and technology industries as well as for businesses that are harder to place like contractors, hotels, restaurants, and auto dealers.
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More than a business, your clients’ farm/ranch is their legacy; their American Dream. This is why more agents choose to place their Farm & Ranch business with Midlands. From small family farms to medium-sized growers and ranchers, you can count on our team of professionals to assist you in securing a high-quality, cost-effective insurance solution to meet the client’s unique needs.
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Midlands Management Corp. | 800.800.4007 | | [email protected]
Midlands Management Corp.
3817 Northwest Expressway, 1000
Oklahoma City, OK 73112
tel: 800.800.4007

24 Hour Non-Occupational Accident Coverage Option InsuranceAccident and Health InsuranceAccidental Death and Dismemberment InsuranceAccidental Medical Expense InsuranceBarsBusiness Income Coverage Insurance EditCable and Telecommunications Installation InsuranceCable Contractors InsuranceChildcare Workers Compensation Insurance EditDance and Aerobic Schools Workers Compensation Insurance EditDay Care Centers and Nurseries Workers Compensation (class code: 9059) Insurance EditDay Care Workers Compensation Insurance EditEmployment Practices Liability InsuranceEPLI Insurance EditExcess Umbrella/Commercial Insurance EditGeneral Liability Insurance EditGeneral Property (Commercial) InsuranceGolf and Country Clubs Workers Compensation (class code: 9060) InsuranceLandscape Workers Compensation Insurance EditLandscaping Workers Compensation Insurance EditLawn Care Services Workers Compensation Insurance EditOccupational Accident InsuranceOccupational Accident True Contingent Workers Compensation InsuranceOccupational Accident/Contingent Workers Compensation coverage for Motor Carrier InsuranceOwner Operator InsuranceOwner/Operator Workers Compensation InsuranceOwners and Contractors Protective Program (OCP) InsuranceProperty & Casualty Binding Authority Insurance EditProperty and Casualty Binding Authority Insurance EditProperty and Casualty Insurance EditProperty and General Liability Insurance EditProperty Casualty Binding Facility Insurance EditProperty Coverage Insurance EditProperty Insurance EditProperty Program Insurance EditProperty Risk Insurance EditProperty Risks Insurance EditRestaurantsRestaurants Insurance EditRestaurants/Family Insurance EditRetail Insurance EditSmall Fleet Truckers Occupational Accident InsuranceTavernsTransportation Insurance EditTruckers Occupational Accident InsuranceTruckers Occupational Accident/Workers Compensation InsuranceUmbrella and Excess Liability InsuranceWork Comp Insurance EditWorkers Comp PAYGO Insurance EditWorkers Compensation Insurance Edit