International Fun At Work Day occurs on April 1. The celebration is important for you and your co-workers, and here’s how and why you should celebrate this day.
Why Celebrate International Fun At Work Day?
Encourage your co-workers to celebrate...
For centuries, drum therapy has
helped individuals and groups get healthy. November is International Drum Month
and the perfect time for you to embrace this beneficial health tool.
Reduce Stress
When you experience chronic stress, you also e...
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ("EEOC") has set its sights on employers' wellness programs, which many organizations have set up as a way of encouraging employees to adopt healthier lifestyles and improve productivity, reduce absenteeism...
Boiler and Machinery policies provide two major services. Insurance in the form of property coverage for damage to buildings, boilers, machinery and additional liability coverage in the event of an explosion. Second, a valuable inspection service for...
Machinery and equipment includes hand tools, especially power driven devices. Saws present obvious hazards. Production equipment tends to be heavily guarded by the manufacturer. But, to be extra cautious, inspect all devices for the following haza...