Bridge, Tunnel, and Elevated Highway Construction Insurance

Contractors that work on bridges, tunnels and elevated highways work under very dangerous conditions and operate extremely heavy and expensive equipment. These projects must be operational for many years. Mistakes made at any stage of construction can be deadly.
Novatae Risk Group
Bridge and Road Construction Workers Compensation Insurance

From culverts to highway overpasses and driveways to major interstates Empire Underwriters Bridge and Road Construction Workers Compensation Insurance product offers contractors the ability to secure insurance that is in-synch with their unique needs...
Novatae Risk Group
Concrete Contractors Workers Compensation Insurance Program

Working with Concrete everyday carries its on set of risks. Risks range from workers slipping to falling debris. It is important for your clients that they can depend on the insurance they have to keep them from having unwanted financial liabilities....
Kaigler & Company
Construction & Contractors

Kaigler & Company writes construction accounts in all 50 states. If your agency has a construction renewal or a prospect that has some degree of difficulty, they’re ready to help. Kaigler & Company has six insurance companies with di...
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Further Reading 
In October 2010, a construction worker in Pennsylvania was crushed to death by a section of a steel plate. The month before, a worker in Houston died when a pallet carrying a one-ton load struck him. In Maryland, two bar joists fell off a stack of jo...
Rectifying construction and design defects can be a real uphill battle for new homeowners. When a new home is defective, it can cost thousands of dollars to properly repair, depreciate the value of the home tremendously, and even force the homeowner ...
The explosive growth of applications for iPhones and iPads includes a variety of tools that construction professionals can use for instant access to a wealth of information. Here are eight apps that can help save you time and money on the job: ...
Unfortunately, a number of erroneous beliefs about worksite safety are widespread in the construction industry. Here are seven common safety myths - and why they don't pass the reality check: Safety programs ensure worker safety. In practi...
Site management includes proper storage of fuels and other potentially toxic supplies. Fuel tanks require secondary containment for rupture control and a safe low-traffic location. Other potential toxins need proper containment and inventory contr...