Getting the job. It's a tough task where too much optimism can cost dearly, too little can cost receiving the bid. If too many low bids occur, who's responsible to the stockholders?
Because the construction industry works by a bidding system rat...
Directors and Officers
(D&O) coverage protects company and individual assets from claims regarding
the management professionalism of the upper levels of companies.
The leading cause of D&O claims and payouts concerns financial reporting....
Without a doubt, directors and officers are becoming the whipping boys of the financial world. Whether the market rises or falls, asset valuation and expectation drives lawsuits towards those in corporate governance and top management.
In today's increasingly complex and litigious business environment, your corporate officers and board of directors - the brains of the company - need protection against personal financial liability arising from their corporate activities.
These p...
On April 20, 2011, someone hacked the Sony Playstation Network. They found an opening in the online video gaming network's password-reset system and penetrated the security protecting its customer database. Days later, the company admitted that the h...