If someone steals your credit card number, you can report it missing and get a new one. If someone hacks into your email, you can change your password. What do you do if you're riding in a self-driving car that gets hacked? We've all seen that part i...
Providing personal care and assistance for another person usually involves many hours of driving. Trips to the doctor, the pharmacy or even errand runs rack up the miles quickly. When a person is responsible for their own needs and the needs of anoth...
Floods happen - and nearly half of all deaths related to them involve vehicles, says the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
The best advice for drivers during periods of heavy rain or flooding is to stay off the road. If that's not possible and ...
rains, floods, hurricanes and tornados can all threaten your home and family
this spring. While no amount of preparation prevents volatile spring weather, a
home emergency kit helps you prepare to be safe and survive.
Survival Essentia...
How old's your car? To save money, you may prefer to invest in older model cars. The insurance costs could take away any financial benefit, though, so understand if it's cheaper to insure an old or new car.
Drop Comprehensive Coverage
Older c...