K&K Insurance Group, Inc.
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K&K Insurance Group, Inc.
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Amateur Sport Tournament and Event Insurance

The amateur sport tournament and event insurance program is designed to provide coverage on a short term basis for an amateur sports tournament or event or on an annual basis for those promoters with multiple events.  Coverage provided under this program includes important liability coverage for the U.S.-based organization conducting the event, including the employees and volumteers, for liability claims arising out of its operations.  Coverage is also included for ancilliary activities (banquets, concerts, awards ceremonies) for those particiapants in your sports torunament(s) or event(s).
Eligible Operations for Amateur Sport Tournament and Event Insurance:
(Including but not limited to)
 - Baseball team insurance
 - Basketball team insurance
 - Cheerleading team insurance
 - Football team insurance
 - Hockey team insurance
 - Lacrosse team insurance
 - Soccer team insurance
 - Softball team insurance
 - Swimming team insurance
 - Volleyball team insurance
Coverages Available & Program Highlights: 
General Liability
- Bodily Injury and Property Damage
- Personal and Advertising Injury
- Products and Completed Operations
- Damage to Premises Rented to You
- Medical Expense (other than participants)
- Legal Liability to Participants
- Medical Payments for Participants
- No Charge for Certificates of Insurance
Directors’ and Officers’ Liability including Employment
Practices Liability (available) Click here for application

Sexual Abuse Liability (optional)
Optional sexual abuse and molestation coverage (SAM) is now available. The sexual abuse and molestation coverage provides $250,000 of sexual abuse and sexual molestation liability with a $1 million aggregate and liability coverage for the sums the insured becomes legally obligated to pay as damages because of loss arising out of any actual or threatened sexual abuse or sexual molestation. 

Sexual Abuse Defense Cost Reimbursement Coverage (optional)
Abuse, Molestation, Harassment or Sexual Conduct Defense Cost Reimbursement

Event Cancellation & Non-appearance (available)  Click here for application
Note: For sports organizations with more complex coverage needs contact our Sports unit
K&K Insurance offers sports and recreations websites offering online purchasing capabilities and commission for agents and brokers.
The website is simple to use and provides an option to purchase coverage immediately using a credit card. K&K, a leading provider of sports, leisure and entertainment insurance programs, is a key supplier of coverage to the sports and recreation industry and is pleased to offer this innovative design for our clients’ convenience.

The program offers 10% commission to insurance agents when using the online binding system. A convenient registration area allows agents to manage quotes and bound accounts.

Coverage can be purchased at the following site:  www.sportsinsurance-kk.com

New! A Walk/Run Program designed specifically for competitive or non-competitive events. Please visit www.sportsinsurance-kk.com for an application (select Tournaments & Events, and then click on "Applications and Printable Documents").

Please contact our regional sales directors for questions about programs offered by K&K.

David Mello – AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, IA, ID, IL, KS, MO, MT, ND, NE, NM, NV, OK, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY 
[email protected]

Nick Pentsos – AL, AR, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, IN, KY, LA, MA,  MD, ME, MI, MN,  MS, NC, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, VA, VT, WI, WV 
[email protected] 


U.S. States Available

  • U.S. States Available:
  • Provider Type:
    Managing General Underwriter
  • Admitted:
    All Available States
  • Carriers:
  • Carrier Ratings:
    Insurance carriers rated "A" or higher by A.M. Best
  • Commission:
    Commission paid on this program.
  • Min Premium:
    Varies by limits selected.


Request a Quote Now!


1712 Magnavox Way


  • Amateur Sports Tournaments & Events
    Key Underwriting/Qualifying Factors
    (Including but not limited to): 
    Maximum number of 
      participants per event is 
    - Maximum number of 
      spectators per day is 7,500
    - Maximum number of event 
      days (including practice 
      dates) is 14 days (not
    setup or tear
    Underwriting Information Required:
    - Completed and
      signed enrollment
     if submitting
      via fax, mail or email
    - Full payment by
      check or credit/debit card


No prior appointment or agreement is necessary to submit applications for a coverage quotation. Upon binding the first account, agencies and individual producers are required to provide proper licensing documentation and errors & omissions coverage verification.

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K&K Insurance Group, Inc. has other insurance programs like Activity and Social Club Insurance.