M.J. Hall & Company, Inc.
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M.J. Hall & Company, Inc.
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Bar and Tavern Insurance

M.J Hall and Company now offers Bar and Tavern Insurance

Bar and Tavern Insurance covers businesses that may or may not serve food, these also cover bars & taverns with or without dance floors, or featuring live entertainment. An establishment is typically considered to be a bar or tavern if alcoholic beverage sales are more than 50% of gross sales.

Intended for small to medium sized bar/nightclub exposures, and restaurants with or without alcohol sales

Our Bar and Tavern Insurance Includes:

General Liability 
(Primary or Excess)
- CGL Limits up to $3,000,000
- Primary Liquor Liability
  up to $1,000,000
 Available Programs may include:
- Garage Keepers Coverage 
  For Valet Servics
- Non-Owned/Hired Auto
- Assault & battery
- Business Income
- Medical Payments Coverage
- Inside the Premises
- Outside the Premises
- Basic, Broad or Special Form
- Replacement Cost or ACV
- Contents
- Business Income
- Equipment Breakdown
- Accounts Receivable
- Computer Equipment
- Outside Signs
- Valuable Papers

For more information about Bar and Tavern Insurance, please feel free to call or email.

U.S. States Available

  • U.S. States Available:
  • Provider Type:
    Excess & Surplus Lines Broker
  • Admitted:
    Some Available States
  • Carriers:
  • Carrier Ratings:
    A.M. Best A rated
  • Commission:
    Generally 10%
  • Min Premium:
    Varies, $750 or higher


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Completed Producer Application/Questionnaire, copy of P/C license, completed W-9 and proof of E&O for limits of at least $1M.
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M.J. Hall & Company, Inc. has other insurance programs like Amusement Centers Insurance.