I'm a big fan of using character assessment tools -- and one of my favorites is My team and I are currently using their post-employment program to help improve our communication and make me a more effective boss. The folks at ZeroRisk reminded me that the employer's goal is to match skills and natural abilities with job function. As the saying goes, "Put square pegs in square holes!"

To help reach this goal, consider how employee personalities can differ:

People Orientation

  • Reads people - can sense how to be effective with different individuals
  • Needs others to feel good
  • Enjoys individual interaction
  • Enjoys people in group settings
  • Prefers to not deal with the feelings and individual needs of others
  • Likes to help others

Results Orientation

  • Has good practical judgment
  • Likes to get things done using their hands
  • Enjoys solve thinking problems
  • Likes to apply theories to real-life problems
  • Prefers to think about things, rather than applying them to business issues
  • Likes to put things where they belong -- creating or preserving order

Environment Needs

  • Is comfortable with a routine
  • Likes order, structure, and certainty
  • Enjoys planning and organizing
  • Needs variety in using creative thinking
  • Needs to work in a top-level, winning company

Behavioral Characteristics

  • Thinks out of the box
  • Obeys the rules, no matter what
  • Able to do things exactly as instructed
  • Able to do repetitive tasks consistently
  • Thinks in terms of the team and belonging to the team
  • Will be protective of company policies, standards, and mission

Individual Characteristics

  • Is an individual and needs to express their individuality
  • Able to handle rejection --has a thick skin
  • Has a lot of courage
  • Is passionate about their work
  • Able to keep secrets
  • Likes to be in the middle of things
  • Flexible in midst of change and surprises
  • Likes to be the center of attention
  • Team player - little self-glory
  • Accurate at knowing what they're best suited to do
  • Capable in a highly competitive environment
  • Accurate ideas about their own strengths and weaknesses

Ambition Characteristics

  • Committed to personal growth
  • Likes to win
  • Needs rewards to be directly tied to their work
  • Driven to excel and improve
  • Strong sense of accountability
  • High achievement drive
  • High degree of initiative

The point is: Match the personality to the job!

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Further Reading
I'm a big fan of using character assessment tools -- and one of my favorites is My team and I are currently using their post-employment program to help improve our communication and make me a more effective boss. The folks at Zero...
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Businesses nationwide are preparing for the financial impact of paying for their employees' Health insurance under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) which takes effect January 1, 2014. The mandate will apply to any company with 50 or more full-time (or...
The impact of the lingering recession, combined with skyrocketing health care costs, is leading to a dramatic and rapid shift from standard single-offering Employee Benefits plans to a wide variety of choice-based programs tailored to the needs of b...