Almost everyone needs Disability insurance. Think about it. Your capacity to earn a living is crucial. Your income makes it possible to buy food, make mortgage payments, provide for your children, take a vacation, and countless other things. Many faithfully pay premiums for car, life, homeowner’s insurance, and perhaps even a pet’s medical insurance, but they neglect this extremely important protection, Disability insurance.

There are few things as disruptive to a family’s happiness as having a parent, or maybe both, lose his/her income due to accident or illness. When income is drastically reduced, it creates stress and unmet needs and expectations. It often creates feelings of guilt in a parent. Life is hard without a reliable source of income.

A LIFE Foundation study states that 70% of working Americans could not be without income for more than one month without serious financial difficulty. Surprisingly, the same study states that one of every four Americans couldn’t last a week if they were seriously injured and unable to work. Clearly, the answer to the question, “Does almost everyone need Disability insurance?” is a resounding “Yes!”

It is important for an individual, and especially important for a family, to have a financial plan. Disability insurance should be one of the foundation stones of everyone’s financial plan, because it protects such an important asset – your income.

Other statistics need to be considered. The Senate Finance Committee states that 70% of people between the ages of 35 and 65 will become disabled for three months or longer and that 90% of injuries will occur away from work.

After you make the decision to purchase Disability insurance, there are still important questions to be answered and decisions to be made. “How large a benefit do I need; how much will it cost to purchase a plan with that level of protection?” “Does my spouse need this kind of policy even if he/she doesn’t work or has a small income?” “How long is the waiting period before I start receiving checks?” “Does my employer offer a disability plan that I am not aware of?” “Will I need this kind of insurance after I reach age 65?” All these and many other questions need to be taken to a capable, experienced insurance agent who is a specialist in this type of insurance. This is an important decision with a great number of complicated considerations, such as, “Is the plan guaranteed to be renewable?”, “What is the maximum benefit period?”, and “Which occupation class does my job fall into?”

Once the decision is made and the policy is purchased and in effect, you can breathe a sigh of relief. You have done what is necessary to protect your happiness with Disability insurance. More importantly, you have protected your family by providing for them if your ability to work is interrupted.
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Further Reading
In the event a disability that causes an inability to work occurs, Disability insurance works to replace a portion of your absent income. Although it should be obvious why Disability insurance is critical protection, many workers assume that they don...
In the event a disability that causes an inability to work occurs, Disability insurance works to replace a portion of your absent income. Although it should be obvious why Disability insurance is critical protection, many workers assume that they don...
Almost everyone needs Disability insurance. Think about it. Your capacity to earn a living is crucial. Your income makes it possible to buy food, make mortgage payments, provide for your children, take a vacation, and countless other things. Many fai...
In the event a disability that causes an inability to work occurs, Disability insurance works to replace a portion of your absent income. Although it should be obvious why Disability insurance is critical protection, many workers assume that they don...
If you’re one of the millions of Americans living paycheck-to-paycheck, and most of us are, an accident or illness that leaves you unexpectedly unable to work can leave you unable to pay for your living expenses and result in financial devastation. F...