Does My Employer Have to Provide Workers' Compensation Insurance?

When you fall down on the job and break your wrist or sprain your back while lifting heavy boxes, you will be off work for a few days or longer. Workers' Compensation insurance covers your medical expenses. Know if your employer has to provide this important coverage as you ensure you're safe and protected at work.

What is Workers' Compensation?

In the past, workers who were injured on the job needed to sue their employers to receive financial compensation. Workers' Compensation takes away your right to sue, but in exchange, it requires your employer to pay the medical bills associated with any injuries you receive on the job. It's been around for about 100 years.

Must Every Employer Carry Workers' Compensation Insurance?

Whether they have one employee or thousands, most businesses carry Workers' Compensation insurance. Some exempted businesses include farms and sole-proprietorships. Likewise, corporate officers and a business owner's family members can be excluded from coverage.

Will my Employer Tell me if I'm Covered?

Employers don't have to outline the specific workers' comp they carry, but many states do require that they post notices about it. Look for this information in the break room or your employee handbook.

Be careful, as well, to understand clearly if you're an employee or an independent contractor. Businesses don't have to carry workers' comp for independent contractors, so you'll want to purchase your own coverage if you fit into the contractor category.

Additionally, check your specific state law for details about this coverage because it varies between states.

If you think your employer doesn't have this valuable insurance, report it to your state's workers' comp or industrial commission. You can make an anonymous report as you ensure you and the other employees are protected.

Suffering from an injury at work puts you out of commission for days, weeks or even months. Workers' Compensation insurance is in place to ensure your related medical bills are covered.

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Further Reading
Workers’ Compensation Insurance is an important product for employees. There are six common myths that surround this insurance, though. Debunk the myths so you can understand and maximize your benefits. 1. Small businesses don’t need to offer Work...
Workers’ Compensation Insurance is an important product for employees. There are six common myths that surround this insurance, though. Debunk the myths so you can understand and maximize your benefits. 1. Small businesses don’t need to offer Work...
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The effects of Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and by extension, Workers’ Compensation Insurance (WC) has not yet been fully understood. Employers are sued for unfair labor practices such as wr...
The states in which you operate are listed on the declarations page of your policy. It's important to list these states in order to gain coverage in those states. If you have employees permanently assigned to other states, and that state is not li...