In addition to providing a safe environment and workplace for employees, your business has a legal obligation to protect the safety of the public on your premises. This all-encompassing term usually includes customers, delivery persons, subcontractors, anyone defined as ""handicapped" under the Americans With Disability Act, infants and children - and even trespassers and robbers.

To meet this challenging responsibility, safety experts recommend following these guidelines:

  1. Keep the public away from areas that pose safety dangers. Make manufacturing areas off-limits to visitors. Some facilities might be inappropriate and unsafe for particular publics; for example, amusement parks restrict the size of persons permitted on certain rides.
  2. Warn the public about dangers. Mark restricted areas with signs. Make sure that elevators carry warnings against use in emergencies. Post occupancy limits, emergency exits, and procedures in meeting rooms and public areas.
  3. Control the movement of the public. Have clear queues, thoroughfares and lines for service marked - and prohibit access to these areas.
  4. Provide emergency response and safety information. Post guidelines on what to do in the event of fire, earthquake, or other disasters.
  5. Train employees to work with the public. Make sure your workers know how deal with the needs, actions, and frustrations of visitors - and can explain and enforce public safety rules. Teach them to identify and respond appropriately to potentially dangerous actions and activities.
  6. Modify public areas for increased safety. Provide guardrails, fences, and other barriers where they're needed. Be sure to analyze and correct potential dangers in locations with vehicular traffic (such as driveways, and parking lots).

We'd be happy to work with you in developing, standards to keep your workplace safe for employees and the public alike. Just give us a call at any time.

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Further Reading
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If you have teenagers, you're well aware that they're all too prone to take risks. Four in five U.S. teen (80%) have part-time jobs. Of these, more than half (52%) are in the retail sector, which includes restaurants and fast food establishments. ...
Do your employees expect you or a manager to take care of all the safety details? As the CEO of a small business, you are 100 percent responsible for workplace safety, but safety has to be everyone's priority. Get your employees on board in several w...
Some of the statistics on vehicle crashes are startling. For example, a vehicle crash occurs every five seconds, someone is injured in a vehicle crash every 10 seconds, and someone dies in a car crash every 12 minutes. Since most of these crashes occ...