I’ve noticed a rash of victimization hitting center stage. Business Week recently ran a long article about workplace bullying. The Obama administration has become adept at finding workplace victims like never before. How is a business owner or manager supposed to deal with all of this? Don’t let employees play victim on you! Challenge them to participate and come up with solutions to known problems. Allow them to become directly responsible for what they can control. It’s hard to cause problems when you’re responsible for making things happen. Nobody has time for emotional nonsense at great companies.
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Further Reading
"Wish for a hundred years of doing your duty." The Upanishads (Ancient Hindu text) We've all heard the question "Do we eat to live or do we live to eat?" My uncle told me that his goal was the latter; not surprisingly, he died of obesity and h...
Return-to-work programs are designed specifically to assist employees on disability (or in this case, returning from a layoff due to a pandemic) in making a gradual return to work. Instead of assigning an employee a job with established tasks, which ...
Examples abound of workers offering their skills outside the workplace: Nurses and doctors aid the injured or ill; contractors assist someone with heavy lifting or short hauling while on a hardware run; benevolent computer techies make a quick fix fo...
Your company may require employees to drive for work. What happens, though, if they’re injured in a vehicle accident? Workers’ Compensation may provide benefits and allow you to protect your employees and your company. Define Work-Related Driving ...
Companies usually use some type of employee performance evaluation to assess successes and gaps in performance and convey these assessments to employees. Although this might be helpful, it's not enough. If you want your employees to be more engaged a...