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Search results for: Adult-Day-Care-Centers-Workers-Compensation
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75 results found
Policy Highlights for Detox Facility Insurance: Substance abuse treatment facilities provide individual and group therapy for alcoholics and abusers of other chemical substances. Some facilities are hospital based. They are units of or are affiliated with a private or public general hospital or psychiatric hospital. Additionally, specialty hospitals also exist for substance abuse treatment only. Other facilities are freestanding and may be part of a chain or affiliated with a mental health center or health maintenance organization. Whatever the case may be, Colonial General is sure to have the coverage you need for substance abuse treatment facilities.
...sisted Living Facilities and Healthcare Accounts Utah Business Insuranc...lable Assisted Living Facilities Workers Compensation Insurance
... 8868/9101 Adult day care - only 8868 ... Social rehabilitation for adults 8804 ...
Workerscompensation continues to be available for all ...
...Grocery Store Insurance | Victory Workers' Comp Insurance | Security Guard Ins...
...ation Dividend Program contact us today! ...
...s: alcohol and drug rehab/clinics, adult day care, behavioral/mental health facilities, ...delity, auto, umbrella, D&O, and workerscompensation.
...ities Independent Living Adult Housing CCRC We offer sp...rt vans) Boiler Crime Workers' Compensation Directors & Officers (...