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Search results for: Affordable-Housing
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295 results found
...e insurance needs of Manufactured Housing Dealers - we specialize in insuring ...
We understand the unique insurance needs of MH Setup Contractors - we specialize in insuring this class of business! We have producers in most areas of the continental United States and we represent insurance companies that have specialty products for ones business needs. If the Set Up Contractor is also involved in Sales we can accept an application for that exposure.
Our Comprehensive Insurance Product provides coverage for:
Building and Business Property – covers office and storage building on premises plus business personal property such as office furniture and equipment.
General Liability including Products – coverage protects you if you become legally liable as a result of your negligence or your product's negligence. Defense of such a claim against you is also covered.
Commercial Automobile Liability and Physical Damage – liability protects against financial loss because of legal liability for automobile-related injuries to others or damage to their property. Physical Damage covers the actual vehicle damage caused by such perils as collision, fire, theft or windstorm. Cargo coverage pays for transit charges, damaged manufactured homes, clean-up and disposal. ICC filings will also be made for insureds.
In addition, a number of optional coverage's are available to meet special needs:
Business Computer
Money and Securities
Employee Dishonesty
Outdoor Signs
Small Tools Floater
Contractors Equipment
Building Materials and Supplies
Valuable Papers
Accounts Receivable
Builders Risk
...oving from temporary housing to affordable housing. These risks must have a so...come Housing, Temporary Housing to Affordable Housing
Coverages Available: