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Search results for: Agricultural-Risks
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804 results found
... Compensation for all types of agricultural class codes in all states. We hav...imum of two years. * New ventures and risks with a lapse of coverage acceptabl...
Agriculture Workers Comp Insurancecan often be hard to write. Empire has partnered with an "A" rated carreir in order to bring an Agriculture Workers Comp Insurance market to independent insurance agents. Empire Agriculture solutions covers a wide range of farm and agriculture industries. We also specialize in high hazard and tough to write accounts. If you are looking for a fast reponse and experience account handling, look no further than Empire Underwriters. Each of our brokers have over 20 years experience with workers comp accounts, there are not many situations that we have seen and not many situations where we cannot find a solution. Please contact us at 800-758-8113 to speak to our experienced brokers about your Agriculture Workers Comp Insurance accounts. Appetite: MOD 1.30 or Greater High Hazard or Tough Classes Blue, Gray and White Collar Accounts Accounts in State Pools or Funds Distressed Accounts or Lapsed No Prior, Cancelled, Non-Renewed New Ventures ... OK Multi-State Exposure our Specialty Hard To Place Workers Compensation Insurance Program Features: Quick Turnaround Many "A" Rated Carriers Stand Alone Workers Comp Guaranteed Cost Solutions Integrated Work Comp Solutions Dividend and Retro Plans High Deductible Programs Custom Account Handling Requirements: ACORD 130 3-4 Years Loss Runs Details on Large Losses Supplemental Questionnaire Do you need a Agriculture Workers Compensation Insurance Quote? Send an email to [email protected] with your coverage needs or call 800-758-8113 to speak to an underwriter immediately.
...l business eligible including agricultural land, amusement/arcade facilities/...