Most medium-sized and smaller companies protect themselves against their property and liability exposures by purchasing Commercial insurance, while large corporations and government agencies prefer to use some type of alternative risk financing. Howe...
Large corporations often use "alternative risk financing" - assuming some of their own risks, in addition to buying insurance - as a way to improve cash flow and lower their total costs. However, this technique can offer substantial benefits for me...
Unfortunately, many small businesses ignore business continuity planning - perhaps because this seems so simple that they just don't need to do it. Here are five basic (and cost-effective) steps you need to take before disaster strikes:
Planning a funeral is probably not high on your to-do list. However, you purchase life insurance to care of your loved ones, and pre-planning your funeral relieves your loved ones of this difficult task. You can even customize your funeral and tell g...
An August 2010 survey sponsored by UnitedHealthcare found that most Americans are concerned with their medication costs, but admit that they don’t know how much new prescriptions cost them or if there’s a less expensive option available to them.