When you work as a general contractor, you may build homes from the ground up, perform repairs on a variety of buildings or renovate homes, buildings or offices. Your job fulfills you and improves the lives of others, but you do face risks. Protect y...
A project architect or engineer typically carries responsibility for the design of a house, high rise or other structure. However, contractors now also play a role in project design and may be liable if something goes wrong. Consider the benefits of ...
What distinguishes products, completed operations and professional liability?
A product is a good sold to consumers. Think about "things" when you think about products. Products liability covers the business which manufactures the product agains...
As a construction manager, you face the threat of litigation every day. "Just because you think you're doing a good job, and even if you are, that's no guarantee you won't be sued," warns a senior officer of a major insurance company.
These suits c...
What distinguishes products, completed operations and professional liability?
A product is a good sold to consumers. Think about "things" when you think about products. Products liability covers the business which manufactures the product agai...