Auto insurance: every driver needs it! You don't have to spend a fortune, though. Instead, try 10 ways to save money on your auto insurance policy while receiving the best protection available.
1. Drive a basic vehicle. Luxury, racing or...
As traffic increasingly approaches gridlock in urban areas, and higher housing costs cause workers to push their homes ever further from work, it's no surprise that commuting times have lengthened considerably.
Longer trips to work mean that more...
According to the FBI's National Crime Information Center, one vehicle is stolen about every 25.5 seconds in the U.S., which amounts to a total of 1,235,226 stolen U.S. vehicles and upwards of 7.6 billion dollars in vehicle losses.
Despite the treme...
Your Auto insurance rates are based on a variety of factors such as your driving record, mileage, the car you drive and your age.
Rates are highest for drivers in their teens and early 20, tend to fall for those aged 30 to 60-something, and then s...
Your car insurance can cover repair costs, property damage liability or medical treatment after an accident. It's required to operate your vehicle legally, so consider eight ways you can save money on this valuable coverage.
Drive Safe...