The holidays are almost upon us and alcohol will be flowing at company parties throughout the land. Beware! If an employee or guest gets inebriated at a social function sponsored by your business and then injures another person, you could be held lia...
The holidays are almost upon us and alcohol will be flowing at company parties throughout the land. Beware! If an employee or guest gets inebriated at a social function sponsored by your business and then injures another person, you could be held lia...
The effects of Employment Practices
Liability Insurance (EPLI) on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and by extension,
Workers’ Compensation Insurance (WC) has not yet been fully understood.
Employers are sued for unfair labor practices such as wr...
When you host neighborhood barbecues or invite your friends’ kids over to play in the yard, you could be responsible if someone gets hurt. Ensure you have premises liability insurance to protect your assets.
What is Premises Liability?
On April 20, 2011, someone hacked the Sony Playstation Network. They found an opening in the online video gaming network's password-reset system and penetrated the security protecting its customer database. Days later, the company admitted that the h...