BlackSmithing Insurance

Legends Environmental Services
Artisan Contractors Insurance

Legends has become a recognized insurance broker providing risk management and Artisan & General Contractors Insurance. Our artisan and general construction insurance activities have continued to expand to meet the needs of our clients. Our port...
Northern States Agency
Managing General Agency and Excess & Surplus Lines Broker

Northern States Agency, Inc. (NSA), founded in 1953, is a general agency located in St. Paul, Minnesota. With over 50 years of experience, we have gained in-depth knowledge and understanding of a wide variety of insurance coverages. Utilizing this kn...
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Further Reading 
Is there any such thing as virus-proof? Although devices aren't typically advertised as being "virus-proof," many developers certainly enjoy the extra profits that come with being "commonly known" for being virus-proof. The question remains as to whe...
Is there any such thing as virus-proof? Although devices aren't typically advertised as being "virus-proof," many developers certainly enjoy the extra profits that come with being "commonly known" for being virus-proof. The question remains as to whe...
The Coalition Against Insurance Fraud did an extensive study to learn why public tolerance of insurance fraud seems to be increasing. The coalition commissioned a national research firm to conduct a series of consumer focus groups, as well as a telep...
Layoffs during the recession have resulted in a shortage of qualified workers in specialized areas of construction - and the problem will probably get worse as the industry picks up during the recovery. In this environment, some contractors might be...
Two out of three American workers in the private sector don't carry Disability Income (DI) insurance, even though most workers say that missing work for three months or more because of sickness or injury would cause "financial hardship." That's the ...