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All Risks, Ltd.

All Risks, Ltd. has several in-house contracts with the ability to quote, bind and issue. We represent, under binding authorities, the widest array of specialty carriers available with "A+" A.M. Best ratings. For larger or more complex risks, we work with the top Brokerage markets in the industry to help secure the most favorable terms possible. Minimum premiums vary by line of business and class.

Work Comp for Trucking Industry - New Specialty Product

Hollie Degutis Hollie Degutis , 11/27/2017
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Work Comp for the Trucking Industry

With Workers' Compensation coverage 
through All Risks' A.M. Best "A" or Better Rated Carriers

All Risks dedicated Workers' Compensation unit specializing in Hard-To-Place classes is pleased to announce our newest specialty, Trucking. Annual freight output is increasing and the trucking industry is growing to keep up with the demand for freight transportation. 

All Risks' New Specialty WC product is crafted to protect Local and Long Haul Truckers. Make sure your clients are covered.

Learn More >

Have a Question?

Chris Smith,
Assistant Vice President
Workers' Compensation


Email: [email protected]

All Risks, Ltd. is the nation’s leading wholesale broker,
managing general agency and program administrator dedicated
to profitably serving the needs of retail agents and brokers nationwide.

All Risks, Ltd  |  10150 York Road  |  Hunt Valley  |  MD  |  1-800-366-5810
All Risks of California Insurance Services, Ltd. - CA License #0B84526