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K&K Insurance Group, Inc.

K&K Insurance Group, Inc. is a leading provider of specialty insurance products and services to the sports, leisure and entertainment industries. As a managing general underwriter for several insurance companies, K&K performs a variety of key functions to deliver outstanding service to our clients, such as: product/program development, sales and marketing, underwriting, policy issuance and administration, loss control and risk management, and claims management.

Coverage for all sizes of fairs and festivals; read more now

Lorena Hatfield Lorena Hatfield , 1/28/2019
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The Fun Starts with K&K
Fair and Festival Insurance
As a trusted provider of fair & festival insurance, K&K is committed to helping your clients succeed by offering quality coverage and services designed for fairs and festivals. K&K's expertise is respected throughout the industry; we are your solution for reliable insurance coverage.
Eligible operations include: Associated exposures may include:
•  4H Fairs
•  Livestock shows
•  Agricultural expositions
•  State fairs
•  County fairs
•  Arts & craft festivals
•  City celebrations
•  Ethnic festivals
•  Exhibitions/expositions
•  Music festivals
•  Holiday celebration
•  Themed festivals
•  Concessionaires & vendors
•  Parades
•  Rodeos
•  Arts & crafts displays
•  Livestock shows
•  Carnival rides
•  Fireworks
•  Truck pulls
Available coverage includes general liability, property, commercial auto, excess liability and workers’ compensation.
K&K requires no volume commitments.
Our goal is to make it easy for licensed producers to work with us. No prior appointment or agreement is necessary to submit applications for a coverage quotation. Upon binding the first account, agencies and individual producers are required to provide proper licensing documentation and errors & omissions coverage verification.
Visit our website today for information or a free quote.
Phone: 800.553.8368
About K&K Insurance Group, Inc.
K&K Insurance Group, Inc., is a managing general underwriter offering insurance products and services for the sports, motorsports, recreation, leisure and entertainment industries. K&K Insurance Group, Inc. is a licensed insurance producer in all states (TX license #13924); operating in CA, NY and MI as K&K Insurance Agency (CA license #0334819)
To contact us, and for more information, please visit our CompleteMarkets storefront.
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K & K Insurance Group, Inc.
1712 Magnavox Way
Fort Wayne, IN 46804
tel: 800.637.4757 | fax: 260.459.5967