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Maritime Program Group

We are specialists in protecting all types of marine assets, across every category of marine risk – Recreational Marine, Inland Marine, and Ocean Marine. In addition, we serve complex individual insurance needs through our Private Client Services. Whether the need is for coverage on land or in the water, MPG has the expertise, the products, the underwriting programs, and the service to create a comprehensive solution.

Customized Underwriting Programs for Ocean Marine Risks

Damon Pesce Damon Pesce , 7/11/2018
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For over 20 years, brokers have turned to Maritime Program Group's experts for advice and solutions related to Ocean Marine risks. MPG has the customized underwriting programs and the expertise needed to place each unique risk - from marine contractors to cargo, from oceanographic exploration to lobster and charter boats - in the right program, with the specialized services to support it.
Commercial Hull
and P&I Risks:
•    Inspected Passenger Vessels
•    Charter and Excursion Vessels
•    Inshore Fishing Vessels
•    Tug and Towing Vessels
•    Research Vessels
•    Cargo
•    Builders Risk
•    Boat Operations
•    Bareboat Charters
Marine Contractors:
•    Seawall Construction
•    Dock Builders
•    Pile Drivers
•    Dredging Operators
•    Diving Contractors
•    Industrial Painters
•    Crane Operators
•    Misc Marine Contractors
Marine Liabilities:
•    Marine General Liability
•    Excess P&I
•    Bumbershoot
•    Ship Repairers Legal Liability
•    Wharfingers Legal Liability
•    Charterers Legal Liability
•    Stevedores Legal Liability
•    Towers Legal Liability
•    Terminal Operators Legal Liabilityy
•    Workers Compensation
•    State and Federal Act Coverage
•    Longshore and Harbor Workers Comp (USL&H)
•    Jones Act
•    Maritime Employers Liability (MEL)
Ocean Cargo
•    Small to mid-size risks
•    Minimum Premium $1,000
•    Relevant Transit & Storage

MPG Advantage
•    In-house underwriters who work and negotiate directly with you
•    Policies and endorsements issued directly by us
•    Programs available nationally
•    Remarkable service, proactive communications, and timely responses
•    Exclusive programs, provided through A.M. Best "A" rated carriers
•    Ocean Marine Wholesale Unit available to help place risk that fall outside of MPG's in-house programs.
•    Industry specific loss prevention tools and services
•    Dedicated in-house Marine Claims Management Unit
•    Competitive commissions paid
Apply online to become a broker. Learn more.
Damon Pesce, 800.366.8086 x1658,
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Maritime Program Group
70 Essex Rd.
Westbrook, CT 06498
tel: 860.399.3658 | fax: 860.399.3692