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US Assure

US Assure provides insurance programs and services. Headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, the privately held company manages, distributes and services programs for leading carriers in the construction and property insurance market with distribution throughout the U.S. and Canada. With four decades of expertise managing programs and providing service, US Assure is a trusted partner offering solutions needed to assure success.

Why do homeowners need builders risk? | Coverage Comparison

Melinda Stivers Melinda Stivers , 1/31/2018
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why do homeowners need builders risk

Clients with homeowners insurance may wonder why they need builders risk for their new home construction or remodeling projects. The fact is: homeowners policies typically don’t cover the scope of exposures for which builders risk is designed, which leaves your client vulnerable to financial implications in the event of a loss.

When you download our guide, Is Homeowners Insurance Enough? A Builders Risk Coverage Comparison, you’ll learn how homeowners and builders risk insurance differ when it comes to residential construction, including:

  • Which coverages are standard to both policies
  • How common coverages differ in scope
  • Which coverages builders risk insurance provides that homeowners typically does not
  • Consequences of underinsured losses for both your clients and your organization
download coverage comparison

Without proper coverage, your personal lines clients risk devastating losses to their home and finances, and you risk unhappy clients. Download this coverage comparison for insights about coverage they might be missing.

Your Partner in Construction and Property Insurance Programs
With more than 40 years of experience in the property and casualty industry,
US Assure provides insurance programs and services with unmatched expertise.

US Assure
8230 Nations Way
Jacksonville, FL 32256
(800) 800 - 3907

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US Assure
8230 Nations Way
Jacksonville, FL 32256
tel: 800-800-3907 fax: 904-398-8353

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