Just as one might use a CPA to prepare their income taxes or an attorney to help them with their estate planning, many choose to use an insurance agency to write their insurance policies. This choice is mainly made because a person feels they need pr...
Your business insurance value has no relation to your policy premium or your policy premiums, the value of your insurance portfolio related directly to the risks you insure against. If you are not an insurance expert, it is important for you to meet ...
Equestrian Care/Custody/Control Liability Insurance offers indemnity against accidental injury or death of ponies or horses that are in your care, custody or control. If you train, board, breed or are legally responsible for horses you don’t own, you...
The most recent figures from the National Center for Health Statistics show that 18.6 million American adults (that's one in 12) suffers from asthma, If you're one of them, buying Life insurance can be costly -- depending on the severity of your cond...
The prospect of an insurance inspection is more likely to stir up feelings of dread than eager anticipation, but actually, inspections can provide your business with plenty of great opportunities to reduce risk.
Although it may seem like a...