As the housing market continues to struggle, some sellers make the decision to try to sell their homes on their own, without the professional guidance of a Realtor. Although eliminating the cost of a Realtor might seem appealing, selling a home on your own is fraught with potential difficulties. Here are five reasons you might want to reconsider hiring a Realtor as opposed to attempting a FSBO transaction:
  1. Use of MLS: FSBOs are not allowed to list their property in the multiple listing service because the MLS only accepts listings from licensed real estate agents and brokers. FSBO ads in the newspaper won’t generate near the exposure that would be achieved through the MLS, and a “For Sale” sign in the front yard typically yields only very limited exposure.
  2. Realistic Asking Price: FSBOs typically overprice their homes. Because homeowners have a strong emotional attachment to their own homes, they are often tempted to overprice their property. This action does not help the flow of the sales process. A real estate agent, on the other hand, has a realistic picture of market conditions, runs reports on comparable homes, and provides an accurate assessment of a likely selling price. Realtors also offer ideas for improving curb appeal.
  3. Freedom to Communicate: In a FSBO situation, the prospective buyer might feel intimidated. Although a prospect would feel free to ask questions about a home’s pluses and minuses with a real estate agent, they might feel uncomfortable asking the same questions of the homeowner. Furthermore, potential buyers are often less interested in making an offer if they know they will be dealing directly with the homeowner, as opposed to a much-more-impartial agent.
  4. Security during the Sales Process: A homeowner in the FSBO process is often tempted to hold a public open house. In this situation, the homeowner has no idea if the people entering their home are qualified, or if perhaps they are evaluating the home as a potential target for a robbery. A real estate agent can qualify potential buyers before showing the home. Furthermore, the prospective buyer is accompanied by the agent as he or she moves through the rooms of the home.
  5. Avoidance of Legal Troubles: Real estate deals are full of potential for lawsuits. For instance, a seller who overlooks a required form or a legally-mandated disclosure could face a lawsuit from the buyer after the deal closes. A licensed agent conducts the sales transaction with valuable knowledge regarding necessary forms and disclosures. The cost of the Realtor is very small compared with the potential cost of a lawsuit.

When all is said and done, selling a home is far more complicated than it appears to be at first glance. A licensed real estate agent provides value and service on many different levels, and brings an abundance of professional experience into the sales process.

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