How long can you expect to live? A "life expectancy analysis" provided by Lincoln Financial Group lists the impact of various factors on reducing average longevity:
- Driving record (DUI): 12 years
- Smoking: 10 years
- Hard or recreational drugs: 10 years
- Drinking: 7 years
- Lack of exercise: 6 years
- High blood pressure: 6 years
- Poor nutrition: 5 years
- Gender (male): 4 years
- Family history of heart disease: 4 years
- Failure to use seat belts: 4 years
- Neglect of regular physical exam: 2 years
- Stress: 1 to 2 years
The big three are obviously drug, alcohol, and tobacco addiction. When you add poor eating and exercise habits to the mix, you have a formula for disaster. Any wellness program must keep curbing these killers at the top of the list.