1A comprehensive disaster plan plays an essential role in risk management - and the planning process should include a thorough review of your company's insurance program.

This analysis should answer these ten basic questions:

  1. Are policy coverage limits and deductibles appropriate?
  2. What types of disasters (perils) are covered and what perils are specifically excluded?
  3. Will insurance cover losses due to interruption of power or other critical services, major suppliers or buyers, disruption of transportation services, or a government prohibition of employees or customers entering the premises due to property damage caused by an insured peril?
  4. Does coverage factor in inflation, improvements, and building code changes?
  5. Is coverage written for "replacement cost" or "actual value" (cost less depreciation)?
  6. Does Business Interruption insurance cover loss of income, payroll expenses, and the cost of temporary relocation?
  7. Will implementing a comprehensive and effective Business Continuation Plan lead to reduced premiums?
  8. Will insurance protect management against litigation alleging poor continuity planning?
  9. Is policy documentation (serial numbers, dates of purchase, costs, receipts, photographs, etc.) detailed and up to date?
  10. Are the original of all insurance policies kept in a fireproof cabinet or a secure off-premises location with copies readily available?

Our agency's risk management specialists would be happy to help you take this quiz - and work with you on crafting an effective insurance program that will help your business stay in business after disaster strikes. Just give us a call.

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Further Reading
Just as one might use a CPA to prepare their income taxes or an attorney to help them with their estate planning, many choose to use an insurance agency to write their insurance policies. This choice is mainly made because a person feels they need pr...
Your business insurance value has no relation to your policy premium or your policy premiums, the value of your insurance portfolio related directly to the risks you insure against. If you are not an insurance expert, it is important for you to meet ...
Colorado State University’s Department of Atmospheric Science forecasts five hurricanes and 12 named storms for the 2018 Atlantic hurricane season. Natural disasters like hurricanes can wreak havoc on your company. Update your business insurance...
The economy and the economics of labor is moving towards more independent contractors and fewer employees. Health benefits, and who pays for them, is leading the way. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) demands all citizens purchase health insurance. ...
When shopping for life insurance, you might be confused by all the options. Which ones earn cash? Which ones build cash value? What's the best option for you? Learn more about the differences between the four main types of life insurance as you ma...