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Search results for: Ambulance-Companies
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195 results found
AIR AMBULANCE INSURANCE AVAILABLE NATIONWIDE The Air Ambulance is used when a traditional ambulance cannot reach the scene easily or qu...s a life-threatening situation. Air ambulance coverage requires aircraft liabi...
...surance Eligible Classes: Ambulance Services Blood & Tissue Banks ...
...s Shuttle Buses Non-Emergency Ambulances Sand & Gravel Mix in Transit ...
...s, Charter Bus, Social Services, Ambulance, and ParaTransit companies. Now includes coverage for Assaul...
Ambulance and Non-Emergency Medical Transportation providers such as ambulance services Medical Transportat...
The only call you need to make! At Keating, our professional and experienced staff is equipped with nationwide product knowledge, long-term company relationships and workers' compensation expertise that is second to none in the wholesale market. Our results oriented focus is to find you the best market available for all of your workers' compensation clients while at the same time providing you with a world class level of service. Keating has made it a point to represent carriers that are rated "A" or better by A.M. Best. With these carriers we can provide coverage for hundreds of classes of business including, but not limited to, Auto Service, Contractors, Healthcare, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Trucking and many more. We also have Specialty Programs for Medical Temp-Staffing, Social Services, Non-Emergency Transportation and Visiting Nurses. You and your clients will benefit from Keating's long-term relationships, results-focused staff and unmatched level of service!