We represent many A+ carriers which help us provide you with competitive insurance rates, but most of all Colonial General's goal is to provide you with friendly service, competitive rates, and coverage for a better class of business that fits all of your needs.
...d nursing facilities
Assisted living facilities
Senior housing
Continuing c...lf-insured retentions considered
Excess umbrella limit up to $5M
...nd Personal Care Operations
Independent Living/Senior Housing Operations
Home &a...ACE)
Coverage Customized to Senior Living Organizations
Abusive Act Liability
Crisis Management Coverage
A trip to the doctor’s office isn’t everyone’s cup of tea! As the patient you go to the doctor’s office, sign in, sit and wait to be seen. Most of the time the patient gets impatient because of the amount of time they are waiting and feelings of frustration and irritation develop because they just want to get in and get out.
A for sale sign sits in the window of an empty building and one day catches the eye of your client. Your client then takes the steps to buy that space and turn that empty space into their dream come true.
The biggest headache a landlord, property owner, real estate agent or even banks can have when dealing with an eviction; is the condition of the property. It is very common for the tenant to hold bitter feelings when an eviction or foreclosure is taking place and in most cases they leave the property in shambles.