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Search results for: Independent-Living-Facilities-Excess-Liability
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78 results found
...g in common; the need for Liquor Liability insurance....
With the holiday season approaching rapidly the demand for Caterers grows every day. The holiday season is the most profitable time of the year for the catering industry. This pertains to the cooks as well as the servers hired for the events.
New Projects, Renovations, Ground Up Projects, Residential Projects, And Commercial Projects etc. While all of these are different projects and require different tools, experience and different duties to fill; so what is it that they all have in common? Insurance!
A trip to the doctor’s office isn’t everyone’s cup of tea! As the patient you go to the doctor’s office, sign in, sit and wait to be seen. Most of the time the patient gets impatient because of the amount of time they are waiting and feelings of frustration and irritation develop because they just want to get in and get out.
Restaurant Insurance. Not the first thing that your client wants to think about when running or opening their business. Although this may not be first on their priority list; it is the most important.
Does your client have a non-profit organization, private company, or small to mid-sized company? If your answer is yes, then we can help! Your client is the one who will be held personally liable for errors and omissions in their organization. Regardless of whether your client is working with non-profit organizations or for profit; the numbers of exposures to risks is high.
Many people play a round of golf not only for the sport of it but for the peace of the game. The 18 hole game is enjoyed on either a freshly cut green golf course or on a country club.
A for sale sign sits in the window of an empty building and one day catches the eye of your client. Your client then takes the steps to buy that space and turn that empty space into their dream come true.