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Gladius Insurance Services, LLC

Gladius is the wholesale brokerage that is going to help you place your “hard to write” contractors general liability, excess and pollution coverage. We provide retail agents nationwide with an unfair advantage of product knowledge and aggressive rates. We have strong industry relationships and resources that allow us to handle accounts of all sizes within our specialized area of expertise.

We put it together Package Commercial Auto and Cargo for Parcel Delivery Companies

Jenni Contreras Jenni Contreras , 3/26/2019
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An EXCLUSIVE insurance program for Parcel Delivery Companies.
Annette Paul | 877-587-4999 | [email protected]
John Baccarella  | 877-587-4999 | [email protected]
A+15 Rated Admitted Carrier
In House Rating and Binding Authority
Bop Package + Commercial Auto + Cargo
It is Safe to say that Amazon has changed the way we do business.

The parcel delivery world has exploded, and after a lot of reaserch, Gladius has secured a program to meet the needs of your  Parcel Delivery prospects and clients.

* This program is not only for Amazon delivery, but all parcel delivery companies.
Last Mile Delivery Program
* Minimum Account Size: 6 Vehicles
* Light/Medium/Private Passenger
* Deliveries to Homes and Business and distribution center to distrtibution center
* Coverage Symbols 7,8,9
* Deductibles: $2,000 Comp and Collison
* Latitude for seasonal addition or temporary vehicles
Ready to Quote? Send Us
Acord 125
Acord 127 Drivers List
Acord 137 Commercial Auto
Acord 126 General Liability
Loss Runs
Supplemental App - (Email [email protected] for App)
Annette Paul | 877-587-4999 | [email protected]
John Baccarella  | 877-587-4999 | [email protected]

Gladius Insurance Services, LLC
6864 Indiana Ave, Suite 201
Riverside, CA 92506
tel: 877.587.4999 fax: 866.732.7395