There comes a time when you know you are a Professional Salesperson, no one has to tell you, you just know.
When that day comes, you look around, and say to yourself, what is the next step?
The vast majority of Professional Salespersons decide to open their own shop, which is a good decision for some, but not all.
Loss Runs? No need for loss runs - no loss letter is just fine.
Claims? - We write PAPER CONTRACTORS with claims on a case by case basis
With 12 Carriers to choose from (Some states may be less)
Gladius Has a Fantastic PAPER CONTRACTOR Hit Ratio!!
This program LOVES paper contractors!!! The more they sub out the better and better yet the more they sub out the more credits the insured receives. This program rates solely based on gross sales and is extremely competitive for your paper contractors.
This program LOVES paper contractors!!! The more they sub out the better and better yet the more they sub out the more credits the insured receives. This program rates solely based on gross sales and is extremely competitive for your paper contractors.
This program LOVES paper contractors!!! The more they sub out the better and better yet the more they sub out the more credits the insured receives. This program rates solely based on gross sales and is extremely competitive for your paper contractors.