Suppression Pro Insurance Solutions is solely focused on providing coverages, loss control and industry knowledge for contractors who work in the fire protection industry. From the sale of fire extinguishers to fire sprinkler new installation – we provide coverage for all fire protection classes.
Our policy includes the coverages your insured needs – blanket additional insured including completed operations, waiver of subrogation, primary/non-contributory wording and professional liability. We also have the option of adding state specific forms, scheduled endorsements and per project aggregate. With the changing industry and general contractor request – we have tailored our policy and can now include pollution liability with a separate aggregate and each occurrence limit as well as excess/umbrella liability. The policy is customized for a fire suppression contractor.
General liability minimum premiums start at only $ 650!
Obtaining a quote has never been easier. We handle all of the underwriting, policy issuance and claims in-house!
Have questions? Give us a call today!
Thank you,
Tony Pena, Vice President
Suppression Pro Insurance Solutions
16811 Hale Avenue , Suite A
Irvine, CA 92606
Phone: 800-536-2285 ext. 301
Fax: 949-336-4347