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Search results for: Adoption-and-Foster-Care-Counseling-Social-Services
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26 results found
...Social Services Organizations: • Adoption and foster care placement centers • Substa...y & physical damage - Owned, hired and non-owned • Management Liability - ...
...ncluding Group Homes. Currently, Adoption and Foster Care Placement Centers have bec...mation on our Social Service Insurance and other RPS NIPC Speciality Programs,...
...s agencies. We can underwrite Adoption and Foster Care agencies, including those that do counseling and placements. Coverage is available, Homeless Shelters, Senior Day Care and Community Centers. Also eligible are those providing services to youth and Substance Abusers.
...exposures. Excellent claims service and committed underwriters specializing in social service clients....
...Operations for H&HS Program Adoption Agency (if more than 25% of operatio...ty, Auto (some restrictions may apply) and Abuse & Molestation
The demand for Group Homes is on the rise. RPS NI...nformation on our Group Home Insurance and other RPS NIPC Speciality Programs,...
... Disabled Ineligible Risks: Adoption Agency (if more than 25% of operatio...ty, Auto (some restrictions may apply) and Abuse & Molestation
...Operations for H&HS Program Adoption Agency (if more than 25% of operatio...rity, Public Housing, Sex Offenders, Stand Alone Special Events/Fundraisers, S...
...e basis. Classes: Adoption Agencies Adult Care Facilities Forms: Manuscripted Forms and Endorsements Tailored for Individua...
...Operations for H&HS Program Adoption Agency (if more than 25% of operatio...ty, Auto (some restrictions may apply) and Abuse & Molestation