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Search results for: Advertising-Agency
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1000 results found
General Agency Advertising You must determine within your agency who and what you are and what your...
Choosing The Right Advertising Agency
There may come a time wh...ord about getting started with a new agency: It's not necessary to accept every idea the ad agency suggests. However, treat the agency contacts as experts. They may not ...
Do Advertising And Marketing Work?
It never ce...ur products before you “invest” in advertising to achieve direct sales. THE ...
Unleash the Power of Radio Advertising
It's amazing to think that the ...lly have to be motivated to look the agency up in the phone book. Radio li... They call themselves 'advertising agencies,' 'public relations pract...for the CEO's pet project! The right agency will respect both you and your mon...
...ce agency invests $80,000 in an advertising campaign and no one sees the ads. ...ven times to achieve results. Good advertising has a cumulative effect. Runnin...
...gents take, they cut marketing, advertising, and production-oriented activitie... If you're working at a drowning agency, cut the perks-not your lifeline. ...