Security Concerns When Building Your Own PC
Building your own PC from scratch is a lot of fun. Clicking all the pieces together like Lego bricks, and then turning it on and watching it hum to life. If you want a serious gaming rig, you're a lot better off building a PC than you are buying one that's ready-made. With some gaming computer brands, you're really paying a lot of money for a mid-tier computer with high-end casing.
If you're intimidated by the prospect of putting a powerful piece of hardware together yourself, the truth is that all the research you need to do, you can figure it out in a weekend by checking out recommended components and the minimum requirements for recently-released games.
This being said, security is a major concern when it comes to home-built PC's. A ready-made laptop or desktop usually comes with a free copy of an operating system, as well as free anti-virus software. Building a PC from scratch means that you need to take cyber security into your own hands. Here are some of the common downfalls when it comes to custom-built PC's and cyber security:
Pirated Software
Since a custom-built PC doesn't come with a free copy of Windows, you might be tempted to save a little cash by torrenting an OS. The main problem you're going to run into here: No registration means no auto-updates. This may not seem like such a big deal with all the complaints you're reading about Windows 10, but this also means no auto-updates to your security software.
You're On Your Own When Selecting Antivirus Software
With a ready-made PC or laptop, you don't need to worry about it, you can use whatever antivirus software comes included. If you're building your own, you'll need to shop around and find one that you like. Avira, Avast and AVG all offer decent free software packages, while Kaspersky and Norton are leaders in the field if you're willing to pay an annual subscription fee.
"Is It A Virus Or Did I Install Something Wrong?"
It can be hard to tell an infection apart from a hardware problem, and it's easy to assume that you just "messed something up" when in fact you've contracted some malware, or vice versa. The more how-to videos you watch, the more double-checking you do with your diagrams, the easier it will be to know whether you're dealing with malware, or a misplaced component.
Don't let these concerns deter you. Building a PC from scratch is one of the most rewarding things you can do with a spare afternoon.