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Erin Carlson Erin Carlson , 8/14/2017
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The Most Comprehensive Coverage for Nonprofits and Social Services Programs!
By: Paul Orlando, NIF Group Inc.
The Solution for your Niche Market Needs!
By: Christine (Tina) Brazier, Irving Weber Associates, Inc.
GL for New Ventures? No Problem!
By: Kelly Rose, BTIS - Builders & Tradesmens Insurance Services, Inc.
Working around the clock so your insured is covered.
By: Jason A Quaglia, Alexander J. Wayne & Associates, Inc.
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Builders Risk - Midlands Management Corp
Territory: State Specific
Target Classes:
Builders Risk or Remodelers Risk for residential and commercial projects.
Ocean Marine Insurance - Maritime Program Group
Territory: National
Target Classes:
Inspected Passenger Vessels | Charter and Excursion Vessels | Inshore Fishing Vessels | Tug and Towing Vessels | Research Vessels | Cargo | Builders’ Risk | Boat Operations | Bareboat Charters | Dock Builders | Pile Driving | Dredging Operations | Diving Contractors | Industrial Painters | Crane Operators | Misc Marine Contractors
Apartment / HOAs / Commercial LRO - AmWINS Underwriting
Territory: State Specific
Target Classes:
Any size account in AZ, CA, CO, NV, OR, UT and WA
Workers Compensation Coverage - Safehold Special Risk
Territory: State Specific
Target Classes:
Retail | Wholesale | Restaurants | Manufacturers | Contractors | Transportation | Garage | Schools | Medical/Dental Offices | Home Healthcare | Medical Temporary Staffing | Roofers | Plumbers | Exterminators | Well Drilling | Gas Stations | Convenient Stores | Hotels/Motels | Security Guards | Electricians
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